

I am from the Edwards and Ellis clan

This is when my life as "Cherisa" began

  I  am the oldest  of four 

I have a loving family, there is nothing I want more.

I am from loudness, smiles and laughter

and at times, I get angry, I wonder who I take that after?

Staying up late building club houses out of blankets and chairs

the four of us are probably the reason for my moms random strands of white hairs   

I am from "Say your sorry" and "Watch your mouth!"

I have family in Texas, just down south

On Sundays we woke early to go to church

Lost something in my room, thats going to be a weeks search. 

I am from the rez dirt

and where I live now, its pretty much the desert. 

My family and I are Indians and Cowboys

our house is always filled with comforting noise

 I am from the Edwards and Ellis clan 

 I'm glad God made my family one of his plans.